In the summer of 2013 myself and two friends travelled Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles. This is my travel diary from this adventure, a collection of travelogue posts I wrote for my friends on Facebook while on the road. We did the trip in 10 stages, shooting machine guns in Vegas, beating the house in New Mexico and braving the roaring floodwaters of Colorado along the way.

As you might expect, when writing a travel diary like this, there has to be omissions. Much of the writing was done in the back of the car so I was missing some of what was going on while I was typing but the boys very helpfully pointed out anything noteworthy.

The posts were well received and by the last few entries of the trip, the keen followers of our adventures were hungry for updates and all but insisted I publish them on my return. I would like to think that the readers were as sad to read the last entry as I was to write it and I would like to thank this group of eager readers as without that encouragement, this account would not exist and I would not now be planning further literary projects and writings, so thank you.

For the sake of completeness I’ve included the full travelogue entries, marked any additions in italics, added a link to the flikr photograph album which accompanies each post and provided web links to points of interest where available.

This was always intended as a travelogue and not a guide book to Route 66 but after countless questions from people wanting to experience their own adventure I’ve added a couple of chapters of tips and recommendations.