As these travelogues are written for my friends, no introduction of my traveling companions was necessary. Now however, the audience is widening and so like it or or not the boys of ‘The Regiment’ (the name Mick gave to our traveling troop) require a proper introduction.
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Mike Barker
Mike has been a dear friend and traveling companion of mine for many years. The Route 66 trip was his idea from the get go. He is a lecturer of nursing, a keen guitarist, a fine singer and a great pilot. He is something of an ace in the hole to have on a road trip as he makes a excellent DJ owing to good musical taste (if somewhat proggy). He knows what to do in case of a medical emergency, speaks fluent German (great for earwigging on rude tourists) and can fly and, more importantly, land any plane we happen to be traveling aboard.
He is the first entry in my Armageddon emergency phone book and had he been a character in Lost he would have lasted all 6 seasons!
Mick Kiernan
Mick is hands down one of the finest guitarists I know. He plays guitar with the band P*Starr and although we have been aware of each other for years owing to overlapping social circles, i think it’s fair to say we we’re more acquaintances than friends before the trip.
Mick is also a medical chap, working as a radiologist at Salford Royal so, in his own words he’s gone from being a guitarist who’s was active on the radio to being a radioactive guitarist. Mick boosts the core medical knowledge of The Regiment and only makes me feel safer. What I did not know was that Mick is also one of the funniest people I’ve ever met. It must be a musician thing because his comic timing is faultless and had us in stitches on many an occasion, one which nearly caused me to crash the car as it’s hard to see the road through a veil of tears!
It was still funny though.
John W Doyle (Yours, Truly)
I’m a guitarist, singer, songwriter, guitar teacher, podcaster, videographer and music producer. In essence I make noise, teach other people how to make noise or record people making noise.
One day, I might feel confident enough to add ‘writer’ to that list, but as this is my first book, not yet.
I love traveling and I like to spend a couple of weeks a year in Ireland with my Mum.
I’ve toured Europe and the UK with bands and i’ve gotten as far as New Zealand and Kuala Lumpur on my travels.
Now you’ve met the whole crew I feel we are ready to begin.